Sudo-Sec Projects!

We'll keep this updated so you can checkout the github repos and contribute if you want.

This Site.

Sudo-Sec is a project we put together.

had to prove to some of our less experienced that we could do it.


NEWRecently added a new tool in the drop down

allows you to check header security on a website


Sudo-Sec proposed a security tool for collaboration.

feel free to checkout Bucket-Sliter and contribute,

make an issue, make a pull request, write a mean email, we accept it all.

Bucket-Sliter GitHub Repo

see ya there.

Presearch node

Sudo-sec has stood up a presearch node.

Presearch is a crypto project that allows users to stake Pre tokens.

Staking can be done with keyword staking(not unlike google ads), and also node staking

node staking is a lot like letting google borrow your server to do the processing for google searches.

to be continued...